Welcome to the Miner's ALBUM
Here we display photographs of history, mining operations, mining equipment and nature. Snapshots of your adventures are sometimes all you come home with, but they are treasures too. Send us what you've seen out there.
19th Century Stamp Mill still standing on a creek
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Geologist Dick Addison in Pershing County, Nevada
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Drill pad on old manganese mine; in background Mohave County Arizona
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Hauling the bed of a haul truck in Ely, Nevada
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Horned toad laughing at us Esmerelda County, Nevada
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Larry Buchanan originator of the Buchanan Model of Epithermal Deposits, Pershing County, Nevada
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Miner mining in Shasta County, California
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Mini bulk sample of manganese ore - Mohave County, Arizona
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Modern placer operation - Siskiyou County, California
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Modern steel set timbering - Shasta County, California
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Mohave Green flattening out to absorb ground warmth - Mohave County, Arizona
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Old headframe - Cresson Mine in background near Cripple Creek, Colorado
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Old ore chute - White Pine County, Nevada
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Old tram Barrel at mine portal - Nye County, Nevada
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The blue back of high grade manganese - Mohave County, Nevada
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The postman neither rain nor sleet or snow - White Pine County, Nevada
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You gotta take the roads as you find em - Pershing County, Nevada
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