Welcome to the 2Prospectors.com website. We, two prospectors, have a cumulative total of over 60 years of experience in the mining industry including hardrock mining and milling, placer mining, dredging, mineral exploration, permitting and most importantly and fun – prospecting. Over the course of many years, we have accumulated and hold in excess of 200 mining claims contained within approx. 20 different Properties. As we grow older, we realize the time constraints that limit our ability to pursue the potential of each of these properties. It is our goal to sell or vend the majority of these Properties so they can receive the focus and attention they properly deserve in order to fulfil their golden promise.
As well, we would like to give back to the mining industry and offer this budding forum to the public to answer questions relating to mining, offer some important informational links, post your favorite mining photo in our miner’s album and log your mining finds in our trophy room. We hope your visit here is fun and informational and we welcome all comments.
Happy Prospecting…